公司介绍资料company profile 北京宇泰技发展有限公司是一家集销售、代理、设计、施工安装于一体的安防公司,主要推广电子脉冲围栏,以全新的设计理念及专业的技术水平,为客户的生产场所、办公地点及家居环境提供智能化的安防系统--电子围栏设计设备安装工程。公司始终坚持以诚信为根本,以科技为动力,以创新求发展,以服务赢市场。本公司希望通过行业间的精诚合作,将安防产业的市场做大做强,将安全的理念带给千家万户。 beijing yutai co., ltd is a safety & fence company comprising electronic impulse fence sales, agency, design and installment, we can provide any of our customers with intelligent safety and fence system, that is electronic fence engineering for their manufactories, offices and home environment with a whole new concept and professional technology. the company highly values its reputation and credit, developing on the basis of innovation, empowered by science & technology, and will occupy the market with its excellent services. it aims to bring millions of families a safety concept while making the industry stronger through business cooperations.研发,集成,销售服务好的高技术企业.主营电子围栏产品,适合用在变电站、高档小区 、学校,火攻库,水厂,机场,牧场,仓库、监狱,军事地区等需要保护的场所,它也是功能最全的周界安防产品。公司拥有一批高效的科研人员,团队之间协作共同发展,以专业和饱满的态度和*流的技术水平为客户提供综合的安全防盗解决方案.现对常用类型的周界报警产品介绍如下研发生产 脉冲电子围栏 泄漏电缆 振动电缆 静电感应电缆座机:010-58408122手机 :18612491819 QQ : 2661157376 1329987603 联系人: 苏先生